A Living Portrait

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A Living Portrait

Series: Redemption Stories

Category: Reconciliation

Speaker: Jason Williams

This past Sunday we looked at how God has designed marriage to be a living portrait of His redemption in the world. After four and a half chapters about redemption in Ephesians, the Apostle Paul describes how God has designed marriage to reflect the greater reality of the Gospel. Paul instructs wives to respect and follow their husband’s lead as they lay their lives down in sacrificial love for their wives. In giving instructions for marriage in Ephesians 5:22-33, Paul lets us know in verse 32 that his primary focus is Jesus and the Church. While his advice is helpful for marriage, his purpose is more majestic than what happens between the husband and wife; marriages are to be a reflection of the Gospel. Through these real-life examples, the Gospel relationship between Jesus and His church is reflected to the world.

If your marriage is more about God than it is you, how should this truth change the way you interact with your spouse? How has God challenged you to become a living portrait of His Gospel through your specific role as a husband or wife?