The New Heavens and The New Earth

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The New Heavens and The New Earth

The New Heavens and The New Earth

Series: The Gospel Story

Category: Gospel

Speaker: Jason Williams

In the sermon this past Sunday, we looked at the Bible’s Gospel Story conclusion in Revelation 21 and 22. In this passage, God reminds us that He is the author of the story and the Bible is ultimately about His redemption plan to rescue the nations from sin and death and restore all things to the condition they were originally created to be at the beginning of the story: “Very good.” What makes this good news for us is that Jesus has done all of the work and made the ultimate payment on our behalf in order that God’s redemption would come to us for free. The Gospel Story calls us to trust and believe that the payment Jesus made on the cross was enough forus.AtthemomentwehearandbelievetheGospel,oursalvationispaidforinfull. The Gospel Story ends with the glorious reminder that God has invited us, who are unworthy and have nothing to give for payment, to receive what He is offering for free and have complete and eternal satisfaction.

What aspects of this life are you tempted to trust in before or instead of Jesus? How does it affect you to know that God is offering you His love and forgiveness for free?