Unmerited Favor

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Unmerited Favor

Series: Redemption Stories

Category: Grace

Speaker: Jason Williams

In the sermon this past Sunday, we looked Paul’s teaching on the amazing grace of God in Galatians 3. Pastor Jason talked about the difference between earning God’s favor by perfect obedience to God’s Law verses receiving God’s favor through faith. Paul says that it should be evident that no person could ever earn God’s favor through obedience, so the only hope we have is to trust in the work that Jesus has done for us. Despite this truth, the Christians in the Galatian church to whom Paul was writing, had begun to drift towards living according to the Law. We see a similar struggle in the church today. Rather than continuing to walk by faith, Christians today drift towards a manmade system that gives a false sense of having God’s favor. Paul lays out a reminder for Christians to continue walking in the same manner by which they were saved: faith alone in the work of Jesus alone. Jesus took our place on the cross and absorbed our punishment in order to offer His righteousness to us by faith.

 Do you believe that God is pleased with you? Are you still trying to convince God that you can be good enough for Him to let you into Heaven?