What is a Church Leader?

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What is a Church Leader?

What is a Church Leader?

Series: The Body of Christ

Category: The Church

Speaker: Jason Williams

In the sermon this past Sunday, we looked at the unique calling of church leadership. The primary roles of church leadership are divided into elder and deacons. Elders, a synonymous title with pastors and overseers, are Godly men who serve in humility and wisdom to lead the church in Godly character and shepherd hearts through prayer, counsel, teaching Biblical doctrine and decision making. Deacons are Godly men and women who set the example for other believers by acting as lead servants, helping to organize and lead the ministries of the church. Both elders and deacons are expected to exhibit the character traits of Godliness in their everyday lives. Churches aren’t meant to be organizations that are led by gifted elders and staff who do the work of ministry; churches are meant to be thriving communities of gifted members, equipped by church leadership to do the work of ministry. When each member is serving out of this equipping, the church is built up with a unified faith, centered on the person and work of Jesus.