A Journey of Obedience

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A Journey of Obedience

A Journey of Obedience

Series: The Christmas Journey

Category: Reconciliation

Speaker: Jason Williams

In the sermon this past Sunday, we looked at a portrait of true obedience through the story of Abraham and Isaac in Genesis 22. God approached Abraham to test, refine and solidify his faith by asking him to give up his one and only son, whom he loved dearly. When God calls for Abraham’s attention, His authority is rooted in who He is, not what He is asking for. Similarly, Abraham’s obedience is rooted in his understanding of who God is BEFORE God asks for anything. Abraham’s response of “Here I am” conveyed his readiness to hear from and obey God. Likewise, when God calls us, it is less about where we are going and more about Who is calling us there.

Additionally, we see a foreshadowing of the cross in Abraham and Isaac’s story. This wouldn’t be the last time God would ask someone to give up a beloved one and only son; the next time He would ask it of Himself. Through feeling the weight of what God asked of Abraham, we can better understand the weight of the sacrifice of Jesus and the love of God toward us. Despite how difficult it would be to give up a beloved son, God did just that... and He did it for you.