Amazing Grace

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Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace

Series: Stand Alone

Category: Salvation

Speaker: Jason Williams

In the Easter sermon this past Sunday, we looked at how the resurrection of Jesus truly displays the amazing grace of God.  In John 10, Jesus declares to His followers that He is the Good Shepherd because, unlike the other religious leaders and systems of their day, Jesus was truly going to stand between His people and death. In the same way that a shepherd places himself between danger and his flock, Jesus says that He will protect His sheep from the wolves by laying His life down and taking it back up again.  What an amazing thought… Jesus willingly and intentionally laid His life down and picked it back up in order to save undeserving people.  This is the essence of grace, giving something good to recipients who didn’t ask for it, don’t deserve it and could never pay it back. We see in the death and resurrection of Jesus, the most vivid depiction of God’s amazing grace.