Children of God (2024)

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Children of God (2024)

Children of God (2024)

Series: 1 John: Walking in the Light

Category: Hope, Salvation, Gospel

Speaker: Kenneth Forsythe

In this sermon, we looked at the Apostle John's encouragement about abiding in Christ. 1 John 2:28 explains that by believing in Christ, we gain confidence and will not be ashamed when Jesus returns to earth. Through scripture, we studied that upon being born again, Christians immediately become children of God. We later examined John’s warning from 1 John 3, reminding his readers that we live in a world that doesn't know us because it doesn't know Christ. Believers then and now can be encouraged, knowing we will be transformed when Jesus returns and that our hope in Him motivates us to pursue purity in this life, following Christ's ultimate example of purity.