Finding the Gospel in the Bible

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Finding the Gospel in the Bible

Finding the Gospel in the Bible

Series: What is the Gospel?

Category: Salvation, Gospel, Faith

Speaker: Jason Williams

In this sermon, we looked at how Ephesians 2:1-10 unveils God's transformative kindness toward us in the Gospel. The good news of the Gospel is that, while all people are spiritually dead in their trespasses and sins, we are graciously offered a new and eternal life through Christ. The Gospel reminds us that God is our Holy Creator and we are accountable to Him for breaking His Laws. The Gospel also reminds us that Jesus did all that was required by the Law to pay for our disobedience and render us as righteous. God graciously gives this righteousness to all who believe. As believers, we are not saved by our own merits; we are saved by grace through faith. Not only has God done the work to save and transform us, in His grace, He also prepares good works for our future and calls us to walk by faith instead of walking in our own strength.