I Am

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I Am

I Am

Series: The Gospel of John

Category: Gospel

Speaker: Jason Williams

In this sermon, we looked at the primary factor that distinguishes Christians from non-Christians. While the evidence of true saving faith can reveal itself in many ways, the primary evidence of true faith is found in who a person believes Jesus to be. In John 8:48-59, the Jews reveal that they truly don’t understand who Jesus is when they accuse Him of being demon possessed. As the conversation continues, and the Jews compare Jesus to Abraham and the prophets, Jesus doesn’t build a case to prove He is higher than Abraham; He simply tells them that before Abraham existed, “I am.” This present-tense wording reflects Jesus’ existence before Abraham and sets Jesus apart as transcendent and unable to be compared with any human being. In each of our lives, everything hinges on this one question: Who do you believe Jesus to be?