Jesus, A Better Sacrifice

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Jesus, A Better Sacrifice

Jesus, A Better Sacrifice

Series: Hebrews: Jesus is Better

Speaker: Jason Williams

In the sermon his past Sunday, we looked at how Jesus’s performance on our behalf transcends into every area of our lives. Through his perfectly righteous life, we are made righteous in every area of our lives.  Despite the performance-based trap of our culture, in Christ we have been set free from having to offer repeated sacrifices to make up for our inadequacies and shortcomings.   Because Jesus has offered once and for all a better sacrifice than we could offer, we don’t have to perform to get God to notice us or earn His favor.  Because we are already in Christ, we pursue his character in our lives.  

Despite this truth, why do we continue to seek identity and security in our own performance?  Why are we more prone to seek our approval in the small voices of our culture instead of the God of the universe who declares that we are loved and accepted already?