Our Only Hope is Christ

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Our Only Hope is Christ

Our Only Hope is Christ

Series: The Gospel of John

Category: Hope, Gospel

Speaker: Jason Williams

In this sermon from the Gospel of John, we looked at how Jesus unveiled His glory as the Son of God through raising Lazarus from the dead. Because death is the result of sin, Jesus’ sorrow for the suffering of His friends was intermixed with anger at the evil of sin and death. This miracle reminds us that what we need most, power over sin and death, in found only in the person of Jesus. He isn’t one of many options; Jesus is our only option and our only hope. Without trust in the resurrection of Jesus, our lives are shackled and bound to sin and death and we are powerless to overcome. However, when we place our faith and trust in Jesus, He unbinds our shackles, freeing us from our shame. When we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us from every sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.