Prince of Peace

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Prince of Peace

Prince of Peace

Series: Advent: To Us a Child is Born

Category: Salvation, Gospel, Reconciliation

Speaker: Jason Williams

After walking through Isaiah 9:6 over the last month, we ended our Advent series by looking at the final title given to the baby who was to be born in a manger: Prince of Peace. Our need for God's peace began in the Garden of Eden. After being banished, Adam and Eve no longer had peace on earth; they were left with a longing for the peace and blessing of Eden, where they once walked with God and one another without strife and division. Ephesians 2 reminds us that Jesus came into the world to tear down the walls that divide us from God and one another. Verse 14 says that Jesus, Himself, is our peace. Peace is not found in changing our external circumstances; peace is only found in the presence of Jesus. The baby in the manger came to be our Prince of Peace, that in Him we could have His perfect peace in a broken and fallen world. Through Jesus' presence, we can be sad for the brokenness we see in the world around us while also having an internal peace only possible through Him.