Spiritual Gifts

Series: Letters to the Church
Category: Spiritual Gifts
Speaker: Jason Williams
Tags: spiritual gifts, holy spirit, empowered
In the sermon this past Sunday, Pastor Jason preached on spiritual gifts from 1 Corinthians 12. Before discussing biblical instructions for spiritual gifts, the Apostle Paul first lays a gospel-foundation. He reminded us that understanding spiritual gifts begins with a personal relationship with Jesus and the presence of the Holy Spirit in our life. We learned that ALL believers have been given spiritual gifts and empowered by God to serve the church. Because God disperses spiritual gifts as He determines, engaging in using our spiritual gifts requires submission to God’s will. Spiritual gifts are given to individual believers to be brought together by the Holy Spirit to work together as ONE body. When the members of the body are using their gifts together to serve the church, it leads the church towards spiritual maturity.
Pastor Jason used the parts of a clock to illustrate how, as members of the church, we come together to function with one purpose. We were also challenged to see our individual gifts as more than just functional, our gifts also lead us into a deeper relationship with one another. Because the church is designed to function as one body, when one part of the body suffers, the rest of the body should feel it. And in the same way, when one part of the body rejoices, the rest of the body should rejoice as well. Collectively, WE are the body of Christ and each member makes up a part of the whole.
When you show up at church, do you feel like an essential part of the family? Are you aware of the spiritual gifts you have been given? Are you aware of the area that God is calling you to serve in the church? If you aren’t sure what your spiritual gift(s) are, we encourage you to take the Spiritual Gifts Analysis. Feel free to contact us at to get plugged in!