Stewards of the Garden

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Stewards of the Garden

Stewards of the Garden

Series: Genesis: Understanding God's Good Design

Category: Creation

Speaker: Nic Hill

In this sermon, we looked in Genesis 1 and 2 at God's design for work and rest. As God told mankind to be fruitful and multiply, He was commissioning us to multiply and fill the kingdom with His image bearers. We were created to be small reflections of His Kingship in the world. God worked for six days and then He rested. We were created to bear this image in the world through our working and resting. Work wasn't created to be a burden and rest wasn't created as a means of temporary recovery from work; work and rest are inserted into creation by God to be a blessing and part of us bearing His image in the world. As we follow God's plan for work and rest, we bear His image to the world around us.