Strengthened in Christ's Love

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Strengthened in Christ's Love

Strengthened in Christ's Love

Series: Ephesians: The Mystery of the Gospel

Category: Gospel, The Church

Speaker: Blake Godsey

In this sermon, we looked at Ephesians 3:14-21 when Paul tells the Ephesians that he prays for God to strengthen them spiritually and grant them understanding of Christ's love. Having already revealed the mystery of the Gospel, in which God ordained Jews and Gentiles to be co-heirs in Christ, Paul knows that this unity will require strength through the Holy Spirit and a foundation in Christ's love. As we are strengthened by the Holy Spirit and truly comprehend His love, our lives become more aligned with Christ and reflect the character of God. Only the one true God, who does far more than we could ever ask or imagine, could accomplish this in us. He alone deserves the glory.