The Assurance of Believing

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The Assurance of Believing

Series: 1 John: Walking in the Light

Category: Gospel, Faith, Character of God

Speaker: Kenneth Forsythe

In this sermon, we explored the Apostle John's transition to a familiar focus, emphasizing that love should be more than just words—it must be demonstrated through actions and truth. John reassures his audience that genuine love for others is a clear sign of belonging to Jesus. We then examined John's encouragement for believers to trust in God's greater knowledge and compassion, rather than being swayed by our own doubts or condemnation. Through scripture, we studied that confidence before God comes from living according to His commandments and doing what pleases Him. We concluded by highlighting that the central command is to believe in Jesus Christ, and that those who keep His commandments remain in Him. Through this obedience, it is evident that God abides in us through His Spirit.