The Calling of the Evangelist

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The Calling of the Evangelist

The Calling of the Evangelist

Series: Sharing the Story

Category: Gospel, The Church

Speaker: Jason Williams

In this sermon, we looked at Romans 10:13-17, where Paul reminds us that salvation is available to everyone who calls on Jesus. He then uses a series of rhetorical questions to highlight God's call for every Christian be an evangelist by sharing the good news of the Gospel. Paul says that no one can call on the Lord if they don't believe, and they can't believe if they haven't heard about Jesus. Evangelism is God's plan for us to share the Gospel with those who don't know Jesus. God has chosen to make His only appeal to the world through us. As evangelists, Christians are entrusted with the message of reconciliation, going into the world with an invitation for all to be saved through believing the Gospel and calling on Him.