The Church is the Light of the World

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The Church is the Light of the World

The Church is the Light of the World

Series: The Light in the Darkness

Category: The Church

Speaker: Jason Williams

With this sermon, we began our new series, “The Light in the Darkness.” In this series, we’ll explore what Jesus meant in Matthew 5:14-16 when He declared that His followers at the light of the world. In this sermon, we looked at Psalm 96 and were reminded that the light of the Church is seen when we gather in worship, bringing glory to God by singing the Gospel and declaring His glory to one another. When we exalt the splendor, majesty, strength, and beauty of Christ together, we remind one another that all of our idols are worthless and only God is worthy of our praise. Before we can be a shining light of hope to the world around us, we must first knit our hearts together in Christ-exalting worship.