The Devotion of the Church - Part 3: Prayer

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The Devotion of the Church - Part 3: Prayer

The Devotion of the Church - Part 3: Prayer

Series: The Dawn of the Church: Acts 1-2

Category: Discipleship, The Church

Speaker: Jason Williams

In this sermon, we continued to look at the early Church's devotion described in Acts 2. This week, we looked at these early Christians' deep devotion to praying together as they passed along what Jesus taught His disciples about prayer. In Luke 11, the disciples asked Jesus how they should pray. He gave them an example prayer before teaching them about the heart behind prayer. Through this passage, we learn that prayer isn't about making transactions between us and God; prayer is a way for us to lean into God's presence and experience His goodness. New Testament Scriptures tell us that when we don't know what to pray or how to pray, we can ask the Holy Spirit to pray for us, ask others to pray for us, be honest with God about where we're at and what we're feeling, pray for things we are thankful for, pray Scripture and the written prayers of others, and pray the words that Jesus equipped His disciples with in the Lord's prayer.