The New Heavens and the New Earth (2023)

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The New Heavens and the New Earth (2023)

The New Heavens and the New Earth (2023)

Series: 2 Peter: Grace That Transforms

Category: Hope, Suffering

Speaker: Jason Williams

In this sermon, we looked at Peter's encouragement to the exiled Christians in Asia Minor to ignore the skeptic false teachers who deliberately overlook the promises of God. Peter tells these suffering Christians to remember that God is not bound by time and, in His patience, God is allowing more people to come to repentance. While God's patience is prolonging the suffering of some, the big promise of the Bible is that Jesus will return to put an end to all His enemies and usher in the New Heaven and the New Earth. Here there will be no more suffering and God will again make His dwelling place with man. Just like the Christians in Asia Minor, this is where we find our encouragement to hold fast to our faith even in the midst of suffering.