The Power of the Church

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The Power of the Church

The Power of the Church

Series: The Dawn of the Church: Acts 1-2

Category: The Mission, Gospel, The Church

Speaker: Jason Williams

With this sermon, we launched The Dawn of the Church: Acts 1-2 series. We looked at Acts 2:1-21, when God uses fallible humans to establish His infallible Church by sending His Spirit to empower the Church and accomplish works that would otherwise be impossible for His people. This significant event marks the dawn of the Church and reveals that the true power of the Church is found in the Holy Spirit of God. God has given the Holy Spirit to the Church to empower believers to deliver the message of the Gospel. Through His powerful Gospel, God is dismantling the curse of sin and death, saving the lost, setting captives free, and uniting all who believe into one people as His Church.