Worthy of Worship

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Worthy of Worship

Worthy of Worship

Series: Worthy of Worship: The Book of Job

Category: Faith

Speaker: Jason Williams

Last Sunday, we began the year with a new sermon series - Worthy of Worship: The Book of Job. Job was a wealthy and successful man with a large family. Job’s fear of the Lord empowered him to turn away from evil and worship God. His worship was rooted in seeing who he was in comparison to God. Satan accused Job of only worshipping God because of his many blessings and proposed that if God removed his blessings, Job would cease to worship. With God’s permission, Satan stripped away all that Job had to be thankful for. Job responded in grief and worship. Job’s grief revealed how much he cared about the things God had blessed him with and He was completely broken for what was lost. However, Job acknowledged that he didn’t bring anything into the world, he was not entitled to anything and everything he had was a gift from God. Today, we often worship God only when we are happy with what He is doing for us. We sit and wait to be moved and our worship is dependent on whether or not God does something we like. However, God is worthy to be worshipped simply because of who He is. Job reveals the heart of true worship: whether or not God does anything in our lives, He is worthy to be worshipped!