
At Solid Rock, we are a church on mission. This means that every member is living the mission to build intentional relationships with the people around us, introducing them to the immeasurable love and inexhaustible grace of Jesus. 

Local: We believe that the local church is to be a beacon of light, to proclaim the transforming power of the Gospel and to make disciples of Jesus in our community. We seek to live the mission in our area through local ministries and community outreach.

National: We believe that the church is to look for opportunities to spread the Gospel throughout our nation. We reach out to communities that have encountered a natural disaster to aid in relief efforts and share the light and love of Christ. Additionally, we seek to partner with church plants throughout the nation, sending funds and teams to assist in starting new churches.

International: We believe that the church is commanded to go to the ends of the earth in order that all nations/ethnicities would be reached with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Through yearly mission trips, we seek to preach the Gospel among unreached people groups in order to plant indigenous churches. We continually strive to raise up, equip and send believers from our church body to these unreached people groups to plant churches alongside local believers for extended periods of time.


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