The Folly of Idol Worship

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The Folly of Idol Worship

Series: Desires of the Heart

Category: Reconciliation

Speaker: Jason Williams

This past Sunday, we looked at Isaiah 44 as we continued our Desires of the Heart series. We discussed the foolishness of idol worship and yet how common it is in each of our lives to create and keep idols. When we unleash our desires and pursue idols, it causes a deep desperation. This desperation leads to compromising our principals in order to possess and protect the idols. Sinful heart attitudes are the metaphorical doorway
to the room where we keep our idols. These sinful heart attitude
s serve as the defensive strategy we employ when anyone or anything gets too close to our idols. The good news of the Gospel is that God desires to save and redeem us from our idolatry. 
What are some of the good things in your life that you are tempted make idols? How does the truth that God created you and He forgives you help you to let go of idols?