What is the Church?

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What is the Church?

What is the Church?

Series: The Body of Christ

Category: The Church

Speaker: Jason Williams

In our first week of The Body of Christ sermon series, we looked at how the Bible outlines clear distinctions of the Christian church. Jesus established much of the doctrine of the church through His life and teaching and then commissioned His disciples to go make disciples of the nations, as a mission to establish the church. Through His teaching, we learned that the true Christian church is the distinct, called-out assembly of those who profess that Jesus is the Son of God and follow His teachings. Although Jesus’ disciples were His first followers, it was the Holy Spirit who actually inaugurated the church at Pentecost and guided the disciples in their mission to launch the church. The distinctions of the Christian church include believing that Jesus is the Son of God, baptism, Biblical teaching, communion, prayer, fellowship and living the mission in everyday life.