A Matter of the Heart

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A Matter of the Heart

Series: Acts - The Unstoppable Church

Category: Spiritual Warfare

Speaker: Jason Williams

In the sermon this past Sunday we continued the Acts sermon series by looking at the contrast between someone who engages in ministry as a response to encountering the grace of Jesus versus someone who is involved in ministry for their own glory. Through comparing the example of Barnabas to that of Ananias and Sapphira, we see that giving to God is never really about money. As Jesus taught in Matthew 6 and Matthew 19, our grip on our possessions is an indicator of where our hearts truly are. When a person comes to believe and trust in the great grace of Jesus, there is an inevitable response to freely abandon their trust in possessions in exchange for trust in the Lord; loosening their grip on possessions to hold tighter to their commitments to one another. However when we engage in ministry for our own glory, as Ananias did, we inevitably make ministry about us by manipulating the truth to make ourselves look better and lead others astray. Have you come to the place in your journey where you have encountered the grace of Jesus by trusting in Him alone for the forgiveness of your sins and eternal life? How has the grace of Jesus transformed the way you view your possessions and your commitment to other believers?