Approved and Entrusted

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Approved and Entrusted

Approved and Entrusted

Series: Even Sinners Such As I

Category: Hope

Speaker: Jason Williams

In the sermon this past Sunday, we looked at how the finished work of Jesus is enough to earn God’s approval for us and secure our calling in ministry. In 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8, Paul reminded the church that this was the basis for his encouragement and confidence to share the Gospel boldly in the midst of much persecution. This is also why Paul didn’t give in to the temptation to become a people pleaser or seek to find his value and worth in the applause of man. Paul understood that Jesus already did enough to earn our approval and secure our calling. We need not be shackled by what others think of us or motivated by the expectations and opinions of others in order to gain their applause and approval. Instead, we can live as people who have already been approved as God’s children and representatives, entrusted with the Gospel in order to live boldly for God’s glory.