Be Imitators of God

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Be Imitators of God

Be Imitators of God

Series: Ephesians: The Mystery of the Gospel

Category: Discipleship, Gospel, The Church

Speaker: Jason Williams

In this sermon, we looked at Ephesians 5:1-21 to see Paul's description of what it looks like to imitate God as those who are being transformed by the Gospel. Paul uses the metaphor of walking in the light, instead of the darkness, as a picture of the transformative process for those who are in Christ. In Him, we are being transformed back into image bearers of God. In this section of Ephesians, Paul specifically addresses how our words are connected to what's in our hearts and calls the Church to be imitators of God by paying attention to and guarding our speech. Instead of speaking in a way that is shameful, foolish, or vulgar, we are to speak in a way that is kind, just, and true as we walk in the light as imitators of God.