Counted as Righteous

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Counted as Righteous

Counted as Righteous

Series: Letters to the Church

Speaker: Jason Williams

In his sermon this past Sunday, Pastor Jason walked us through the biblical truths found in Romans 4. In this text, Paul reminds the church that God is not impressed with our work for him or the status of our position. We don’t have to come from a religious family or grow up in the church culture to impress God. We don’t have to change our wardrobe or hide our tattoos to keep God from being embarrassed of us. We can have what Abraham has by believing in Jesus.

While the Law leaves us desperate and broken by further exposing our unrighteousness, the finished work of Christ on the cross completely satisfies all that God requires of us to make us righteous. The good news of the Gospel is that Christ has met all of God’s requirements and expectations for us. Christ has paid our debt for sin and earned God’s favor on our behalf. In Christ we have a secure position in God’s family!

In what ways are you still trying to impress God with your work for him?

In what ways are you pursuing a position with God rather than pursuing a relationship with God?

In what areas of your life are you still putting on the religious façade rather than walking in transparency and forgiveness?

In what ways do you feel disconnected from God because of your moral failure?

Are you willing to you exchange working for God for walking with God?