Everlasting Father

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Everlasting Father

Everlasting Father

Series: Advent: To Us a Child is Born

Category: Hope, Gospel

Speaker: Jason Williams

In this sermon from Isaiah 9:6, we focused on how "Everlasting Father," one of the prophetic titles ascribed to Jesus, foretells His birth and the profound impact it would have on humanity's relationship with God. This title emphasizes Jesus' role in revealing the fatherly nature of God and His eternal authority and care for us. The arrival of Jesus in the world signifies the birth of a Savior who would open the door for us to have a direct, enduring relationship with God as our Father. Through Jesus, believers are invited into the family of God, in which we find eternal love, guidance, and protection. Through Jesus, God has given us the right to be called "children of God" and to be invited into an eternal relationship with Him as our Forever Father.