God is Holy

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God is Holy

God is Holy

Series: The Greatest Commandments

Category: Gospel, Character of God

Speaker: Jason Williams

In this sermon, we looked at how Revelation 4 reveals the profound nature of God's character. The vivid imagery of God sitting on His throne magnifies the majesty and holiness of God. The four creatures hovering around God's throne repeatedly declaring God’s holiness further reveals that God is sacred, pure, worthy of awe, and unlike anything else in existence. This holiness is not just about moral purity; it signifies God’s unique position as the sole supreme being, deserving reverence and worship. This chapter in Revelation begins with an invitation from God for John to draw near and see who He is and what He is like. As God invites John to "come up here," we see an open invitation for all of humanity to draw close and witness His majesty firsthand. This encourages us to pursue a deeper, more personal relationship with a God who is not like us, yet who wants to be with us.