God's Unstoppable Kingdom

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God's Unstoppable Kingdom

God's Unstoppable Kingdom

Series: Acts - The Unstoppable Church

Category: The Church

Speaker: Jason Williams

In the sermon this past Sunday, we looked at the “fuel”
behind the explosive movement of the church. What made the church of Jesus so unstoppable, despite the Jewish and Roman governments’ relentless attempts to shut it down? In Paul’s final recorded sermon, he explains the power of God’s unstoppable church. He uses the Old
Testament scriptures to validate Jesus as the promised hope of Israel and proclaims that the church is not simply a sect or a movement; it is the fulfillment of God’s plan to bring His Kingdom to earth, opening up a way for His people to be saved from their sins and enter into His eternal Kingdom through faith in Jesus.
How does it challenge you to know that, as a Christian, you are a part of an unstoppable movement? Have you truly taken the step of faith to  become part of God’s eternal Kingdom by trusting in Jesus as the Son of God, who died for your sins and resurrected from the grave?