Guard Your Faithfulness

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Guard Your Faithfulness

Guard Your Faithfulness

Series: Malachi

Category: Gospel, The Church, Family

Speaker: Jason Williams

In this sermon, we looked at Malachi 2:10-16 and how God spoke through Malachi to address the Israelites' negligence in maintaining their covenant with God and their covenants with one another. He rebukes the Israelite men because they were divorcing their Israelite wives and marrying wives who worshipped other gods. This violated their marriage covenants with one another and the greater covenant that God had made with them. This section of scripture ends by calling the people of Israel to guard their spirits against unfaithfulness. Today in the Church, fulfilling our covenants still matters. When we break our covenants with other believers, we also violate our covenant with God. Just as God spoke to the Israelites, He is calling the Church to guard our faithfulness to our covenant relationships with God, our spouses, and other believers.