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Series: The People of God

Category: The Church

Speaker: Jason Williams

In this sermon, we looked at how God called Hosea to do something that seemed completely ridiculous in order to display God’s love toward His people. Through Hosea and Gomer’s story, God reveals what happens when His people pursue idols as a source of abundant life. God warns Israel that if they continue cheating on Him with other gods, they will no longer be His people. However, we also see that God will not keep His unfaithful wife (the Church) at a distance or withhold Himself from her, but sacrificially buys her back, alluring her into the safety of His arms, completely restoring her as His bride. Even today, we may desire God's authority over our lives but often turn our focus towards other gods, inviting them in under the assumption that they will make us happy. Through Hosea, God calls us to drop our false gods and turn back to Him, promising to accept us again as His radiant bride.