Image Bearing in Work

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Image Bearing in Work

Image Bearing in Work

Series: Ephesians: The Mystery of the Gospel

Category: Discipleship, Gospel

Speaker: Jason Williams

In this sermon, we looked at how God is restoring His people as image bearers in the way we work and lead others. In Ephesians 6:5-9, Paul calls those who are in Christ to engage in work in a way that reflects His image. We do this by following instructions and going about our work willingly and wholeheartedly, whether or not anyone is watching, always looking for opportunities to do the will of God. When we engage in work this way, we can see our efforts as a gift to our employer, trusting Jesus for our ultimate reward. Additionally, Christians who are employers or managers are to lead those who have been entrusted to their care in a way that reflects the relationship between Christ and His people.