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Series: The People of God

Category: Suffering

Speaker: Jason Williams

In the sermon this past Sunday, we took an in-depth look at Moses’ role in the larger story of the Bible. God came to Moses during a time in which the nation of Israel was experiencing great suffering in its slavery to the Egyptians. Through God’s interaction with Moses, we see that God is completely aware of what His people are going through and He hears their cries to be rescued. We also see that God does not observe His people from a distance; He is intimately involved and knows the suffering of His people personally. Through Moses’ narrative, we behold God’s rightful place as the hero of His story. Just like Abraham, Joseph, and Moses were not the heroes of their stories, we are not the heroes of our stories. God’s plan for redemption unfolds in a way through which He alone is the hero and it’s only by the mighty hand of God that His people find their rescue.