No Turning Back

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No Turning Back

No Turning Back

Series: Letters to the Church

Speaker: Jason Williams

We continued the Letters to the Church series in Galatians this past Sunday by looking at how absurd it is for Christians to turn back to the things that we turned away from when we met Christ. In Galatians 4, Paul writes from a personal perspective about the time he has invested in the Galatian believers. He is concerned that if they turn back to the small things in life, his investment in their life is now vain. Rather than scolding the Galatians, Paul subtly points out that compared to knowing the true living God, the things we clung to before knowing God are small and elementary and are no longer satisfying as they used to be.

We were reminded that God sent his Son to open our eyes to see the truth about the things that were controlling our lives and to set us free from slavery to small things. By knowing God personally, we have scale to weigh the purpose and value of things in order for me to let go of the small things and hold on to the “God” things. 

What are some of the things that you struggle with for control of your life? What areas of your life do you think need to be recalibrated? What are some things you can do to grow in your knowledge of God?