Re-created in the Image of Christ

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Re-created in the Image of Christ

Re-created in the Image of Christ

Series: The Gospel Story

Category: Gospel

Speaker: Jason Williams

In the sermon this past Sunday, we looked at the impact that the resurrection of Christ has on our lives. God has restored everything that was lost in the Fall. Through faith in Christ, we are re-created as image bearers and stirred once again to worship the one true God. In Christ, every barrier that kept us from dwelling in genuine fellowship with one another has been put to death, allowing us to dwell in abiding and transparent community with one another. And in Christ, our mission to multiply and become a kingdom of image bearers of the Most High God has been restored, as He entrusts to us the message of reconciliation as His ambassadors on earth.

How is your relationship with Christ challenging you to step deeper into Christian community? In what ways can you be more engaged in the mission of God to share the message He has entrusted to you and to live as His ambassador in your everyday life?