Set Apart for the Work of Jesus

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Set Apart for the Work of Jesus

Set Apart for the Work of Jesus

Series: Acts - The Unstoppable Church

Category: The Mission

Speaker: Jason Williams

In the sermon this past Sunday, we continued the Acts sermon series by looking at how God used the people of Antioch as a launching pad to send Paul and Barnabas out as missionaries. This was a great reminder to us a church that in order to fulfill the mission that God has called us to, it will require some to go out from the church to reach unreached people around the world and some to stay put in order to reach the unreached people in our local community. Either way, every believer has been called and equipped to live out the mission of Jesus to take the Gospel to the world, starting in our own homes and neighborhoods and reaching to the ends of the earth. Who can you think of that God has placed in your life for you to point toward Jesus? How has God challenged you or shaped your calling to be involved in reaching unreached people around the world?