SR Kids

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SR Kids

SR Kids

Series: One Church, Multiple Generations

Category: Discipleship

Speaker: Jason Williams

In the sermon this past Sunday, we began a new series looking at how God has called Solid Rock to be one church that spans multiple generations. We began this past Sunday by looking at Solid Rock Kids ministry through the lens of Deuteronomy 6:4-9. We learned that leading children to know and love Jesus is rooted in who God is, instead of who parents want their children to be. Seeing children become everything God created them to be begins with seeing God clearly. Secondly, we learned that leading children must begin with the hearts of the parents. By God’s design, parents don’t simply pray their children into the Kingdom of God; parents have to lead them there. Parents who want their children to know and love Jesus must first fall in love with Him themselves. All of this takes place within the God-ordained partnership between parents and the local church. The role of the church in this partnership is to fully support and equip parents to be the primary disciple makers in their homes.