Stewardship & Generosity

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Stewardship & Generosity

Stewardship & Generosity

Series: Letters to the Church

Category: Stewardship

Speaker: Jason Williams

Tags: stewardship, generosity, provision

Pastor Jason wrapped up 1 & 2 Corinthians this past Sunday with a sermon on biblical stewardship and generosity.  After laying a biblical foundation for money and possessions, we looked at 14 key principles to biblical stewardship and generosity from 1 Corinthians 16, 2 Corinthians 8 and 9. We learned that biblical stewardship leads to God’s provision and God’s provision leads to generosity, and generosity leads to God’s glory. 
How is God challenging you and your family to pursue biblical stewardship?  In what ways would biblical stewardship free you up to be more generous?