The Cost of Following Jesus

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The Cost of Following Jesus

The Cost of Following Jesus

Series: The Gospel of John

Category: Gospel

Speaker: Jason Williams

In this sermon, we looked at the cost of following Jesus. Through the story of the blind man who Jesus healed in John 9, we see that even though our salvation is given to us as a free gift, following Jesus comes with a cost. Jesus healed the man’s blindness as a free gift but the man then had to make a decision: Would he risk everything in order to acknowledge Jesus as the Christ? When we’ve been saved by Jesus, He takes His rightful place in our hearts as our greatest treasure, calling us to forsake all other treasures. The man who was born blind had to let go of his acceptance from the Jewish community, even risking his relationship with his parents, in order to publicly express his faith in Jesus. We, too, must consider the cost of following Jesus. For many of us, it may require letting go of comfort. For others, it may require letting go of important relationships or possessions. For some, it may even mean enduring persecution and suffering. However, regardless of the cost for all who follow Jesus, the treasure of knowing Him as Lord is worth far more than anything else we could ever attain in this world.