The Final Restoration Part 2: The Preeminence of Christ

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The Final Restoration Part 2: The Preeminence of Christ

The Final Restoration Part 2: The Preeminence of Christ

Series: The Gospel Story

Category: Gospel

Speaker: Jason Williams

In the sermon this past Sunday, we looked again at the final restoration that God promised. Revelation 19 begins with the mighty sound of the nations gathering together in the great wedding hall, where Jesus will claim the Church as His bride. In this passage, we see a beautiful picture of our worship and community being fully and finally restored. Jesus rides into the wedding hall, at just the right time, to rescue his bride from the villain. Jesus is no longer postured to endure the injustices of His enemies with great patience; Instead, He unleashes His righteous anger, bringing His enemies to an end. This the moment in God’s story when the preeminence of Christ is made known in the heavens and on the earth, as sin and death are brought to an end. Jesus secured our victory over sin and death at His resurrection, but this is the moment when the whole universe will know, without wavering and without doubt, that He truly is the King of Kings.