The Fruit of Saving Faith

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The Fruit of Saving Faith

The Fruit of Saving Faith

Series: Hebrews: Jesus is Better

Category: Gospel

Speaker: Jason Williams

In the sermon this past Sunday we looked at the fruit that comes out of our lives when we truly trust in God for our salvation.  Jesus taught that where there is saving faith, there will also be an outward evidence.  In the same way that a tree produces fruit according to the nutrients provided by the roots, our faith serves as a foundation or “root system” for our lives.  There is a fine line between obeying God because you don’t want Him to be mad at you and obeying God because you have faith that His ways are better than your ways.  In Hebrews 10:26-11:40, God declares that saving faith produces the fruit of obedience, trust, hope, endurance, compassion and joy.  


Do you strive to obey God because you believe your obedience will lead to more blessing? When you face hardships and suffering, are you more likely to give up because of doubt or endure because you trust God?