The Gospel in Sanctification

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The Gospel in Sanctification

The Gospel in Sanctification

Series: The Everyday Gospel

Category: Gospel

Speaker: Jason Williams

In the sermon this past Sunday, we looked at how the Gospel is good news in our justification and sanctification. Trusting in Jesus, and His work alone, changes who we are. And because the Gospel changes who we are, it changes what we do and how we live. Jesus says that he who hears and
believes the Gospel is like a farmer planting seeds in good soil; genuine faith produces good fruit. James says the same thing more specifically when he says that genuine faith in Jesus will produce good works.  Genuine faith in the Gospel saves us and leads us to reflect God’s moral character and live for God’s perfect will. The Gospel is good news in our salvation and in our sanctification; it changes who we are (justification) and the way we live our lives through good works (sanctification).