The Heart of Biblical Community

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The Heart of Biblical Community

The Heart of Biblical Community

Series: The Dawn of the Church: Acts 1-2

Category: The Church

Speaker: Jason Williams

In this sermon, we looked at the heart of Biblical community. In 1 Corinthians 12, we see that Christian relationships are more than a working partnership for doing ministry; we are called to bear with one another, boasting in our weakness and exposing our neediness to one another. Fear of rejection is one of the most painful things a person can experience because the desire to belong is hardwired into who we are. The Gospel calls and empowers us to take the risk. The Gospel declares that we are accepted by God as needy beings that can’t fix ourselves. Believing the Gospel means we agree that we need help from God and others so when we tell the truth about our neediness, we live in unity with the Gospel. This is why Paul encourages believers to take the risk of being known by sharing our weaknesses with one another, trusting that the Lord will lead us to healing and strength in Him.