The Hero of the Story

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The Hero of the Story

The Hero of the Story

Series: The Gospel Story

Category: Gospel

Speaker: Jason Williams

This past Sunday, we began The Gospel Story sermon series. In this series, we will be looking at how all of the small stories of the Bible come together to tell one epic story of redemption. In God’s redemption story, Jesus is the hero. The Bible tells the story of Jesus coming to rescue His people from sin and death. This story continues today in our lives. When we trust Jesus as our rescuer, He becomes the hero of our story and God begins writing a redemption story with our lives. When we are able to see our lives this way, we find more purpose and meaning than before. We see ourselves as supporting characters in God’s epic drama and begin to feel the weight of the fact that God has invited us to join His story.

Do I see my life as the main story or a small scene in God’s epic redemption story? Am I using my life to tell the story of God’s redemption?