The Idol of Being Right

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The Idol of Being Right

Series: Desires of the Heart

Category: Grace

Speaker: Jason Williams

In the sermon this past Sunday, we looked at the idol of being right. Although there is nothing inherently wrong with desiring to be right, when we allow that desire to become so significant to us that it causes arguments and divisions, the desire has become an idol that is more important to us than our desire to be loving. The idol of being right hinders us from extending forgiveness when we’ve been wronged and being gracious towards those with whom we disagree. Jesus calls us to not only consider our love for one another more important than being right, He calls us to extend love even to our enemies. Jesus himself was mistreated, misunderstood and opposed by those who he chose to die for. He shows us that when we are secure in our relationship with our Heavenly Father, we don’t have to insist on always being right. We can let go of this idol in order to love others well.