The King of Kings

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The King of Kings

The King of Kings

Series: The Long-Awaited One

Category: Gospel

Speaker: Jason Williams

In this third sermon in our Advent series, we looked at how Christmas reminds us that we were meant for a king and a kingdom. With all of our diversity, we were created by God to live in one Kingdom, under the kingship of one Righteous King. In Isaiah, God describes the coming Messiah as a righteous king who would be a wonderful counselor, mighty God, everlasting father, and prince of peace. Over 700 years later, the angel appears to Mary and announces to her that the promise of the Messiah will be fulfilled in her womb. Once Jesus is born, wise men from the east come in search of this newborn king. Threatened by the news of a newborn king, Herod attempts to use the wise men to find Jesus so he could kill him. When the wise men find the king, rather than handing him over to king Herod, they worship him as their own king. Just like the wise men so long ago, we celebrate the birth of our King this Christmas!