The Knowledge of Good and Evil

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The Knowledge of Good and Evil

The Knowledge of Good and Evil

Series: Genesis: Understanding God's Good Design

Category: Reconciliation

Speaker: Jason Williams

In this sermon, we looked at God’s purpose for the Law in Genesis 2 so that we can better understand the purpose of God’s Law in our lives today. After placing Adam in the Garden, God gave Adam a Law to not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This Law was meant to keep Adam and Eve in the knowledge of good and protect them from the knowledge of evil. For us today, the Law give us the knowledge of what is good by revealing the character of God and foreshadowing the future realities of God’s enteral Kingdom. However, because none of us can obey God’s Law, it also reveals what is evil and our deep need for the Gospel. We need someone to rescue us from the penalty of disobeying God’s Law and reconcile us to God. Jesus came to Earth as the Son of God to perfectly obey God’s Law and then offer Himself as a sacrificial payment for our disobedience. Through His death and resurrection, we have been forgiven of our sins and reconciled to an eternal relationship with God, restoring us as image bearers in God’s creation who await the coming of God’s fully restored Kingdom.